Novel Blood and Tissue Tests for Cancer
Diagnosis, Cancer Imaging, and Cancer Vaccine Treatment.

World Cancer Day: Feb 4th ?
Speak up, stand up and take action together.


Next Pharma Inc. (NPI) is a biotechnology company focusing on developing and commercializing product s for the early detection, diagnosis and monitoring the recurrence of cancer and Viral Diseases. Next Pharma has developed a blood ELISA test, using a well-known cancer bio-marker named Aspartyl (Asparaginyl) beta-Hydroxylase (AABH), an enzyme which is over expressed in cancer cells and is the foundation of our breakthrough blood and tissue test technology.



Next Pharma’s novel products are: a blood test that can measure the blood level of Aspartyl (Asparaginyl) β-Hydroxylase (AABH) and an IHC tissue test to detect cancer cells in tissue biopsies. These two products make the foundation of our breakthrough diagnostic technology. Next Pharma Inc., is in a strong position to manufacture, commercialize and market its AABH Blood Test and Tissue Test in late 2024.



Next Pharma’s Mission

Next Pharma’s mission is to discover, develop and commercialize innovative diagnostic products for COVID-19 and Cancer management. Our current product development focus is on novel proteins and biochemical pathways related to cellular regulation and cell cycle abnormalities in Oncology, Virology and Vaccine Therapy.